A leading herb farm near Cambridge ordered a sandwich-type steam system from MSD Corp.  and started it at the beginning of February. The system is equipped with a large steam boiler of type S 1350. So more than 42 sq. m are covered  with up to four steam hoods. All steam hoods are equipped with special hollow pins that make it possible to reach a steaming depth of up to 25 cm below the steam hoods in max. 8 minutes.

Spiked steaming hoods in a tunnel
Spiked steaming hoods in a tunnel

The steam hoods are raised and lowered by a hydraulic system. A special winch pulls the raised steaming hoods over  the surface. Using this system, the farm can sanitise280 sq. m per hour and completely liberate the treated surface it from weeds, weed seeds, pests,  soil diseases and fatigue.

hollow pins under the steam hood with a length of up to 20cm
hollow pins under the steam hood with a length of up to 20cm

In sandwich-type steaming, soil preparation is still a key factor of success for good steaming results. The surface must not be too moist. It shall be well loosened to the desired depth of steaming effect, at least.

For more information on sandwich-type steaming, please visit:

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